“What It Means to Follow the Master”

Mark 5:1-20

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”   Mk. 10:45

I.  The Possession of DEMONS   (5:1-7)

This biblical account reminds us of the reality of Satan and

demons & yet how we must refrain from an unhealthy

______________ with them!

To be “demonized” is to be under the power & _________

of one or more “unclean” or evil spirits. (vv. 2,15-16,18)

This demon-possessed man was totally out of control and

was ____________!  (vv. 2-5)  i.e. “violent” (Mt. 8:28)

Demonology 101:

1.  Demons lead one toward isolation.  (vv. 2-3)  i.e.  tombs

2.  Demons have incredible ________.  (vv. 3-4)  i.e. chains

3.  Demons tend toward torment & destruction.  (v. 5)

4.  Demons recognize Jesus’ true __________.  (vv. 6-7)

5.  Demons are able to disassociate themselves from those

they possess.  (v. 13)

FYI – James tells us that even “the demons believe and

___________!    cf.  Jam. 2:19

II.  The Power of JESUS   (5:8-13)

Jesus ___________ the evil spirit to come out & then He

asks his name.  (vv. 8-9)

To the Jew, a “legion” brought to mind great numbers,

efficient organization & relentless strength.  i.e. 6000

Jesus gave them ___________ to enter 2000 pigs who

then ran into the sea & drowned!  (vv. 10-13) i.e. “Go!”

III.  The Pleas of PEOPLE   (5:14-20)

The news of this dramatic event spread rapidly. (v. 14)

Luke says the people came & found the man “sitting down

at Jesus’ feet, ________ & in his right mind. (Lk. 8:35)

The people asked Jesus to leave & the man wanted to go

with Him, but he was told to stay & be a _________!

i.e.  “what great things the Lord had done & … mercy”

Practical Application

  1. “Doctrines of Demons” – Mk. 5:7; 1 Tim. 4:1
  2. “Gave them permission” – Mk. 5:13; Job 1:6-12
  3. “Into the Abyss” – Lk. 8:31; Matt. 25:41; Rev. 20:10
  4. “And about the Swine” – Mk. 5:16; Lk. 9:57-62

Appointments with God

            The HEART of a SERVANT

                  Mark 1:29-45

Monday, March 19th                                               

 Meditate upon the Priority of Prayer in Jesus’ Life:

  • Mark 1:32-35

What does this passage say about the Power and

Priority of Jesus’ Prayer Life?  What can you

learn from Him?  Practice it in prayer today!

Tuesday, March 20th                                                                                           

 Meditate upon the Priority of Prayer in Jesus’ Life:

  • Mark 6:30-32

What does this passage say about the Power and

Priority of Jesus’ Prayer Life?  What can you

learn from Him?  Practice it in prayer today!

Wednesday, March 21st                                            

Meditate upon the Priority of Prayer in Jesus’ Life:

  • Mark 6:45-46

What does this passage say about the Power and

Priority of Jesus’ Prayer Life?  What can you

learn from Him?  Practice it in prayer today!

Thursday, March 22nd                                         

Meditate upon the Priority of Prayer in Jesus’ Life:

  • Mark 14:32-42

What does this passage say about the Power and

Priority of Jesus’ Prayer Life?  What can you

learn from Him?  Practice it in prayer today!

Friday, March 23rd                                           

Meditate upon the Priority of Prayer in Jesus’ Life:

  • Luke 5:15-16

What does this passage say about the Power and

Priority of Jesus’ Prayer Life?  What can you

learn from Him?  Practice it in prayer today!

Saturday/Sunday, March 24-25

 Meditate upon the Priority of Prayer in Jesus’ Life:

  • Luke 6:12-13; 9:18

What does this passage say about the Power and

Priority of Jesus’ Prayer Life?  What can you

learn from Him?  Practice it in prayer today!

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21-2012-The Heart of a Servant (Mark 5_1-20)