The Heart of a Servant

   “What It Means to Follow the Master” Mark 1:1-11

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”   Mk. 10:45

I.  A VOICE in the Wilderness   (Mk. 1:1-8)

Most Bible teachers agree that Mark is the ________ of the Gospels written by John Mark, a close friend of the Apostle Peter.    cf.  1 Pet. 5:13; Col. 4:10 Mark’s focus is more on Jesus’ ________ than teaching, emphasizing His service & sacrifice.  cf. 8:31; 10:45 Instead of starting with Jesus’ birth, Mark begins with the ministry of John the Baptist, the ___________. John the Baptist’s ministry was predicted by Isaiah & Malachi to “make ________ the way of the Lord.” John’s witness was __________ though His words were harsh, yet his following was vast!! cf. Mt. 3:7-8; Jn. 3:30

“The reason John was such an effective witness is that he embodied his message.”         R. Kent Hughes

His message focused on _______________ from sin, confession & forgiveness.  cf. Mt. 3:2, 7-12; Lk. 3:7-17

II. A VOICE out of Heaven   (Mk. 1:9-11)

Note that Jesus came forth from ___________, an obscure village with a less than favorable reputation. cf.  Mk. 1:9; Jn. 1:46 Jesus was ___________ by John in the Jordan River as He associated Himself with sinners & the cross. God the Father & God the Holy Spirit both affirmed the identity of Jesus as ____________!  cf. Mk. 1:10-11

“The Gospel is neither a discussion nor a debate.  It is an Announcement!”  Paul S. Rees

FYI – The “gospel” means “Good News,” but how good, “good news” is, depends on how __________ one’s Need is!

Practical Application

  1. Boldness – Mt. 3:7-8; Eph. 6:19-20
  2. Repentance – Mk. 1:4; Mt. 3:2; 2 Cor. 7:8-10
  3. Baptism – Mk. 1:4, 9; Mt. 28:18-20

Appointments with God

The HEART of a SERVANT Mark 1:1-11

Monday, February 20th                                              

 Meditate upon what it means to Follow Christ in:

  • Mark 1:1-8

What does this passage say about the Priorities of Following Jesus Christ?  Note the theme of Humility and pray this into your life this week!

Tuesday, February 21st                                                                                         

 Meditate upon what it means to Follow Christ in:

  • John 3:25-30

What does this passage say about the Priorities of Following Jesus Christ?  Note the theme of Humility and pray this into your life this week!

Wednesday, February 22nd                                         

Meditate upon what it means to Follow Christ in:

  • Matthew 3:1-12

What does this passage say about the Priorities of Following Jesus Christ?  Note the theme of Repentance and pray this into your life today!

  Thursday, February 23rd                                      

Meditate upon what it means to Follow Christ in:

  • Luke 3:3-14

What does this passage say about the Priorities of Following Jesus Christ?  Note the theme of Repentance and pray this into your life today!

Friday, February 24th                                        

Meditate upon what it means to Follow Christ in:

  • Mark 1:9-11

What does this passage say about the Priorities of Following Jesus Christ?  Note the theme of Baptism and ask God to show you the priority of this in your life.

Saturday/Sunday, Feb. 25-26

     Meditate upon what it means to Follow Christ in:

  • Matthew 28:18-20

What does this passage say about the Priorities of Following Jesus Christ?  Note the theme of Making Disciples and ask God to show you how He wants you to be involved in pouring your life into others!

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07-2012-The Heart of a Servant